
"Shabby Chic"

There is also a popular look called “Shabby Chic” and it is the easiest of all to do. It can be furniture, mirrors, picture frames any and all types of accessories and wall hanging. The more you bang it up, the better it looks. I have been painting mine an off white, but I have seen them in all shades of pastel colors. I then use sand paper to rub off the edges and a screw driver to distress other areas. I use a satin finish polyurethane to finish is off. I have seen them in stores for hundreds, so it may be a good idea to pick up these pieces for mere dollars, shabby chic them and re-sell them.

I have only done yards sales, but there are also Tag ad Estate sales. They are held in the house and usually run by profession sales people. The prices are for the most part higher, but if you are looking for old very expensive furniture and expensive antiques, you can find some good buys.

Also know that you can bargain down a bargain price, that is part of the fun.

Make it an adventure and happy hunting.

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